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SpeedFan 4.52 Copyright 2000-2020 by Alfredo Milani Comparetti |
Description: |
Feature | Date | Vote | Voted by | Comment | |||||
Stability | 18 aug 2013 | 10 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 7 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 9 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
29 oct 2006 | 9 | MORSCH | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 10 | ELGUILLERMO |
No problem, although stock SATA cables sometimes reported faulty on forums |
02 mar 2006 | 10 | MRKREMER |
very solid so far |
21 feb 2006 | 9 | JEDI69 |
Stable at 250FSB out of the box, I'll push it some more! |
09 jan 2006 | 9 | KILLANIA |
Solid |
17 dec 2005 | 1 | PENETAI |
All SATA cables are bad. |
20 oct 2005 | 1 | KNOWLEY |
Comes with bad SATA cables but otherwise stable. |
Overclocking | 18 aug 2013 | 8 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 7 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 8 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 5 | ELGUILLERMO |
I tried with success, but I'm not interested yet (X2 4800+) |
02 mar 2006 | 8 | MRKREMER |
you can push it pretty hard if you don't mind full speed fan noise |
21 feb 2006 | 9 | JEDI69 |
X2 3800+ at 2.5GHz out of the box... |
09 jan 2006 | 10 | KILLANIA |
swap fans for thermaltakes and move more air ;) |
17 dec 2005 | 7 | PENETAI |
1800 -> 2424 stable |
20 oct 2005 | 5 | KNOWLEY |
I don't OC but I've heard its good for that. |
Speed | 18 aug 2013 | 8 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 9 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 9 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
29 oct 2006 | 10 | MORSCH | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 10 | ELGUILLERMO |
Fast as expected for the CPU/RAM set |
02 mar 2006 | 9 | MRKREMER |
plenty fast with good CPU/RAM/GPU components |
21 feb 2006 | 10 | JEDI69 |
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast! |
09 jan 2006 | 9 | KILLANIA |
Athlon 64 4000+ vroooooooom! |
17 dec 2005 | 5 | PENETAI |
Windows is slow or shuttle ? |
20 oct 2005 | 8 | KNOWLEY |
Very good machine |
Features | 18 aug 2013 | 9 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 9 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 9 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
29 oct 2006 | 8 | MORSCH | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 10 | ELGUILLERMO |
I love the built-il card readers and front panel |
02 mar 2006 | 8 | MRKREMER |
would be a 10 if not for having no PCI slot |
21 feb 2006 | 8 | JEDI69 |
All you need? |
09 jan 2006 | 8 | KILLANIA |
full power rig in easily carried form. LAN party waiting to happen |
17 dec 2005 | 7 | PENETAI |
Some temperatures are undervalued or bad. |
20 oct 2005 | 7 | KNOWLEY |
Enough for me. |
Addons | 18 aug 2013 | 8 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 3 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 6 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
29 oct 2006 | 6 | MORSCH | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 5 | ELGUILLERMO |
Got the remote, it works fine. |
02 mar 2006 | 5 | MRKREMER | |||||||
09 jan 2006 | 4 | KILLANIA |
thinking of modding to add watercooled but need to work on mod |
17 dec 2005 | 3 | PENETAI | |||||||
20 oct 2005 | 5 | KNOWLEY |
Ditto |
Price | 18 aug 2013 | 1 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 5 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 5 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
29 oct 2006 | 6 | MORSCH | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 4 | ELGUILLERMO |
You can get cheaper for the same config, but it won't be a small form... |
02 mar 2006 | 7 | MRKREMER |
pricey but worth it IMO |
21 feb 2006 | 8 | JEDI69 |
There still are some accessories, but do you need them? |
09 jan 2006 | 10 | KILLANIA |
for the sheer power in small form - very nice |
17 dec 2005 | 3 | PENETAI | |||||||
20 oct 2005 | 3 | KNOWLEY |
Expensive, but then what pc isn't |
Fan speed changing | 18 aug 2013 | 9 | ZEFIXX | ||||||
18 jul 2008 | 8 | LAZZARS | |||||||
20 feb 2007 | 8 | PEDESKOV | |||||||
29 oct 2006 | 8 | MORSCH | |||||||
31 jul 2006 | 9 | ELGUILLERMO |
Every speed can be changed, except the northbridge fan |
02 mar 2006 | 8 | MRKREMER |
ok, but does a very good job on its own with BIOS setup + CnQ enabled |
21 feb 2006 | 8 | JEDI69 |
Pretty silent |
09 jan 2006 | 8 | KILLANIA |
really hard to get this hot - nice stock cofig |
17 dec 2005 | 7 | PENETAI |
Except nVidia fan and Power fan. |
20 oct 2005 | 7 | KNOWLEY |
Nice feature. |
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